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Katherine made me feel very comfortable during the hypnosis session. Her calmness and compassion had a very relaxing impact on me. I am very appreciative of her help. MC - Pittsboro
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About Katherine //

After experiencing profound benefits in my own life through the use of hypnosis, I pursued hypnosis as a career, with a strong desire to help others.
Based in Pittsboro, NC, I am certified as a Consulting Hypnotist by the National Guild of Hypnotists and am currently serving my fourth term as President of the NC Triangle Hypnotists, a Chapter of the National Guild of Hypnotists.
I was trained through the National Guild of Hypnotists (NGH) and have received about many hours of advanced training in parts therapy, age regression, weight management, smoking cessation, PTSD, sports and educational performance, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), Neuro-Linquistics Programming (NLP) and a form of chakra-based energy work; the latter is particularly effective to help clients identify and stop self-sabotaging beliefs that prevent progress.
Every year I attend at least one intensive hypnosis conference to advance my skills. In 2018, I earned over 40 hours of continuing education credits, with a focus in NLP, weight management, PTSD, and the enhancement of learning and test taking performance. More recently I have trained in peak performance and improving sleep.
From Asheville, N.C., I hold bachelor's and master’s degrees in journalism and mass communication from UNC-Chapel. I have 30 years of combined journalism, public relations and marketing experience, primarily in health communications and life sciences.
My favorite, lifelong hobby is horseback riding. I also continue to offer write, edit and provide marketing services.
When the will and the imagination come into into conflict, the imagination always wins. Emile Coue
"My experience with Katherine Smart was very positive. She did a thorough intake so that she really understood my issues, and then addressed them very effectively during the hypnosis session. I am very impressed with her work." MW, Cary, NC
“Katherine made me feel very comfortable during the hypnosis session. Her calmness and compassion had a very relaxing impact on me. I am very appreciative of her help.”
MC – Pittsboro, NC
“I am so thankful for Katherine. Her work with me was a wonderful and unique personal healing experience. Our hypnosis relaxation session helped me gain a better under-standing of how to make better decisions for myself. And the energy clearing work has helped me experience calmness in the middle of several difficult situations. We have just started working on identifying self-limiting beliefs that have been holding me back from success and happiness in my personal life and relationships and finding ways of releasing them. After only a few sessions, I feel a depth of content-ment and confidence that make me very excited about the future. I can't wait to go back."
GJ – Jupiter, Fl